- Welcome to the Cosmetology Training Course Syllabus! In this course, you will learn about the many aspects of cosmetology, such as hairstyling, makeup application and skin care. You will gain an understanding of how different techniques and products can be used to enhance a person's appearance and make them look their best. You will also become familiar with salon operations, customer service skills and safety protocols. We hope that by the end of this course you have a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of cosmetology so that you can confidently pursue a successful career in this field.
- Understand the fundamentals and safety practices of cosmetology, including sanitation and hygiene, infection control and disease prevention.
- Identify facial features, skin types, hair structure and growth patterns.
- Utilize appropriate salon equipment such as scissors, clippers, and hairdryers safely with proficiency in styling techniques for both men and women’s hairstyling.
- Explain basic colour concepts in relation to cosmetic chemistry; selecting, mixing, and applying hair colour products correctly along with corrective techniques when necessary.
- Demonstrate the ability to create haircuts that flatter the individual’s face shape through proper measurements, angles and balance points while also creating volume through various blow-drying techniques with styling aids where applicable.
- Analyse facial shapes, brow structures to assist in makeup application techniques so that a customer looks their best after services are completed.
- Describe alternative professional salon services including perms/relaxers, chemical texture services with knowledge on how to apply each product correctly for maximum results without causing damage or breakage to hair cuticle layers or skin tissue around eye area from lash extension procedures (if applicable).