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Criminal Justice Policy and Administration





Criminal Justice Policy and Administration is an intensive training course designed to offer participants a comprehensive introduction to the theories, policies, and practices of criminal justice in the United States. The course provides an overview of the process of policy formation and implementation by examining key topics in criminal justice including crime prevention, enforcement, sentencing, corrections, rehabilitation and re-entry. It explores how law enforcement processes such as patrol strategies and community policing are structured and how decisions impacting public safety are made. Participants will also gain an understanding of the administration of correctional institutions and programs by exploring topics such as prison overcrowding, crisis management strategies, alternatives to incarceration, offender classification systems and probation/parole supervision. 

Additionally, students will learn about current trends in criminal justice reform on issues such as juvenile justice reform efforts, deinstitutionalization initiatives, restorative justice approaches and evidence-based practices. Through case studies, lectures and interactive activities students will develop an appreciation for the complexities associated with navigating this often-controversial field while gaining practical skills applicable to their own work or research endeavours. This course promises an engaging experience that combines academic rigor with real world relevance that prepares participants for future success in this exciting field.



  • Become familiar with the history, structure and core components of criminal justice policy and administration. 
  • Understand various approaches to crime prevention, including deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation and restorative justice. 
  • Examine the functions of institutions such as police departments, courts and corrections offices within their particular jurisdictions. 
  • How laws shape policy decisions that govern criminal justice practices in the United States.          
  • Identify legal issues that arise from conflicting social values regarding public safety policies.           
  • Understand the constitutionality of various policing tactics by analysing Supreme Court cases.            
  • Learn methods used to assess current crime trends and formulate evidence-based theories on crime causation.            
  • Skills necessary to implement research projects related to criminal justice policy effectiveness.       


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